Thursday, November 19, 2015

Production Schedule & Shot list P2 (d)

Contingency plan 

    During the filming, something might goes wrong, for example the biggest problem- the weather. If there's a rain on the day, we will film the scenes that take place indoors, and wait until there's a better weather the other days. 
    The location will not be a very serious problem, because we are using simple and near places to us, and most of our location are in the school, we could go there to film anytime, the woods is just next to the school,  just 20 mins walking will reach the woodland. 
     For the props, we don't have much props needed, we just want camera, tripod, basketball, books and papers etc. These props are not very hard to replace, apart from the tripod and camera are more important. In case the camera and tripod are broken, we could ask for another one as there are spares from the media department. For the basketball, there are loads of them from the sport department, we could ask for another one if the original one is damaged. Papers and stationaries, we can either buy from town or borrow from any department from the school, so if any of them are damaged, they can be replace immediately.
    As we are boarders, the props will not be too hard to borrow or replace because we are near to it.
    And we will not get lost during the filming, because we always go to the UKC gym and we have been to the farm before ( the woodland is near the farm), so we could seek help anytime if we have emergencies. 

PROPS LIST: Basketball, scrap papers, stationaries and textbooks.

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