Thursday, November 19, 2015

Linking Audio to Visuals and Applying effects P4 (d)

In the whole music video, I tried to link the audio to visuals as much as possible because it looks better and the audiences will be more satisfy to the music video. It is very important for the clips to match the rhythm. For the first step when I start to apply clips on the track, I tried to make the clips to follow the beat of the music by putting the clips down in the perfect timing, the clips change when the next beat change.

For the first few seconds, there is no any footage because the beat hasn't started yet, I wanted it to be a blackout because I want the clip to appear when the song starts, so I only put clips in when the first beat starts, this is important because if the first clip does not match the first beat, the first impression for the audiences will be bad, and they will lose interest for the whole music video, so I have to make sure that the first clip matches the first beat perfectly to make a good start and a good impression. In the first second, I put the introduction video which has 'MAKSPRODUCTION, RUNAWAY 2016' in it so people will know that this is a music video edited by me, it also looks professional like the filming companies out there, the state the music video clearly at the beginning and also wanted to advertise their filming company. The footages change in a constant temple and it is quite quick because this song is energetic and the beats are solid. There are also some really fast clip changes in some areas to make it more exciting.

In this area, there are about six footages put into one second (estimation), which is the fastest clip change in the whole music video. This is because the beat in that area is fast and the drop is coming, I wanted to make it more exciting, and this is the area which the actor's memories come in, memories should not be that clear and solid, it is fast and unclear, just like it happened so long ago, like a flashback. Also, the clips change fast so there is an effect to make the audiences a breath catching because it is too fast to follow up. Also, I leave some gaps in purpose just to match the beats, there will be gaps for calm and thoughts, for balancing out the other exciting parts of the music video.

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