Thursday, November 19, 2015

Following script/storyboard P3 (b)

The way that the sunshine leaked from certain, it looked like there is something fun, something exciting waiting for him in the outside, waiting fro him to explore.

When the actor A stood up, the teacher is very shocked because he did not expect him to have such reaction, he could feel his anger and his energy.

This shot made the teacher more shocked because he did not expect it.

Actor A and B are best friends, actor B is the first person actor A came up in mind so he ran to his classroom right after he left his classroom, this also shows their friendship and their desperation to break out of the school. 

In this part of the music video, the music is starting to fade so it becomes more calm, the scene suits it very well because they are relaxing, laughing in the grass.

When actor A wakes up, the music faded. His dream was over, his life has got back to the boring and dull life.

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